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Natasha's Project

Countries Facts

About Natasha

My name is Natasha Ramakrishnan.
I’m 11 years old, and an incoming 6th grader at Applegarth Elementary School in New Jersey, USA.
I enjoy playing ukulele, video games, and researching interesting topics. My favorite school subject is Social Studies.
This is my first ever Website! I have included a lot of Fascinating stuff like quizzes, essays, Story, and much more. In addition to that, I have also included my Achievements. I have made a very colorful website with various colors. I'm looking forward to creating more advanced Websites in the Future

Natasha's project details:

My project is based on geography, and facts about different countries around the world. There are 10 countries I have listed to learn about. Enter the number (1-10) coordinated to the country you wish to learn about in the code editor. I hope you learn something new!

Name: Natasha Ramakrishnan
Grade: 5
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