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Name: Ishaan Jain
Grade: 10
Rocket model:

Rocket is a vehicle that helps us to overcome the gravitational pull and reach outer space. In this activity our students build a static rocket model. This is a simple yet challenging one because the taller the model gets, the tougher the balance. Building up this model allows students to bring their imagination to life and match it with reality. Students have successfully implemented the knowledge gained, by learning about the Rocket Stages in their Rocket Science course, into this activity.

Student Testimonial

  I loved learning Rocket Science from GiveMeFive.AI My overall experience has been great and I would surely recommend it to others. I have learned many things by enrolling myself in this course. The teacher for Rocket Science, Ashwini Ma’am, is a great teacher. I clearly understood the concept what she was teaching. She is a good and friendly teacher who helped me in solving my doubts and I learned many things from her.
Ishaan Jain

Teacher Testimonial

  Ishaan was a good listener. He took up Rocket Science with an aim because of which he made the most use of the course. His questions were legit and enjoyed answering them. He was excited to attend the class and always encouraged his fellow student’s work. The one thing that impressed me the most was his patience and determination to make things work. I wish you all the best Ishaan and will be waiting to see you achieve your dreams!
Ashwini Ramesh
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