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Ayana's Project

ATM Working Program

About Ayana

Ayana is going to be in the 5th grade this academic year. She is very vibrant creative kid who likes to explore the programming horizon through Python. Even though, she sees herself as future biologist, she enjoys playing games on computers and she would like to give life to the characters of her imagination in the virtual world. She also loves music, dance and her books.

Ayana's project details:

Ayana has decoded how ATM machine logic works to dispense correct number of currency notes. Try out for yourself. Enter an amount you would like to withdraw and the programme will tell how many currency notes and its corresponding denomination of currency notes that will be dispatched from the ATM machine.
Name: Ayana Binoj Menon
Grade: 5
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  "Ayana always looks forward her Python classes every week and the main reason for her interest in the class is her teacher. The teacher's motivation helps her to move forward to learn new concepts and build a strong foundation in the programming world. Also, teacher's support helps her to boost her confidence."
Parents of Ayana Menon