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Shivansh's Project

About Me: Shivansh Agarwal,12 years old from UAE, my hobbies are playing outdoor games and knowing more about rockets and space and I want to become aerospace engineer.

Project title: Martian Rocket

This is a 3-D model of the rocket. It consist of nose cone, body tube etc. This rocket has a stability of 3.2 Cal and the average distance it can travel is 159 m. I have used PVC material to make my rocket. It max acceleration is 236 m/s and the max velocity is 71.4 m/s. It has fins which help for the support and stability of the rocket. The cylindrical part present near the body tube is usually found in model rockets which helps during the process of takeoff.

Here is the link to my first version of my website. Upgraded version coming soon.
Name: Shivansh Agarwal
Grade: 7
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